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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025


Peter Louis M. Talloen, Ph.D., Chair

Academic Staff
Part-time Academic Staff

Teaching and research activities of the department concentrate on the archaeology, history and art of Anatolia, the Mediterranean, and the ancient Near East. Students will have opportunities to take part in excavations, surveys and research projects.


The aim of the undergraduate program in the Department of Archaeology is to provide a thorough and comprehensive understanding of archaeology, ancient history and art.

The first two years of the program embrace a wide range of essential introductory subjects designed to familiarize the student with the background material required for the more specialized subjects offered over the following two years. In the third and fourth years, besides the compulsory courses, the student has the opportunity to choose elective topics in his or her field of particular interest. In the fourth year, the students do a supervised Senior Project on a topic of their own choice and present it in the department as a poster or in any suitable form. Every student is required to take at least one ancient language (Greek, Latin, Hittite and Akkadian may be offered): a basic knowledge of these is invaluable for those students who decide to specialize in archaeology, or ancient history.

The curriculum includes practical as well as academic work, for example field trips to sites and to museums and participation in surveys, excavations, research or activities of the department or sponsored by other institutions; they may choose to do an internship in museums in Turkey and abroad. Department students can also enroll in Erasmus exchange programs in various European countries.

At the end of the program the student will emerge with a good knowledge and comprehension of most aspects of Near Eastern, Mediterranean, and European art and archaeology from the Prehistoric period onwards. Emphasis will of course be placed on Anatolian civilizations since the environment at Bilkent provides an ideal opportunity for first-hand familiarity with the ancient sites and monuments of this country.



Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
CS 121  Introduction to Computer Applications and Programming  2  2  3  5
ENG 101  English and Composition I  5    3  5
GE 100  Orientation      1  2
HART 111  Introduction to Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 117  Ways of Seeing: Approaches to Art and Architectural History  3    3  5
HART 125  Archaeological Illustration  3    3  5
TURK 101  Turkish I      2  3.5

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
ENG 102  English and Composition II  5    3  5
HART 120  Human Evolution and World Prehistory  3    3  5
HART 126  Fieldwork Methodologies in Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 225  Cultural Anthropology  3    3  5
TURK 102  Turkish II      2  3.5
  PSYC 100 or PSYC 102      3  -


Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
GE 250  Collegiate Activities Program I      -  1
HART 222  From Villages to Empires in Ancient Mesopotamia  3    3  5
HART 227  Greek Archaeology  3    3  5
HCIV 101  History of Civilization I  3    3  5
HIST 200  History of Turkey  3    4  6.5
  Ancient Language Requirement I      3  -
  MATH Elective      3  -

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
GE 251  Collegiate Activities Program II      1  2
HART 208  Roman Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 219  Anatolia I-Hunters,Farmers,Merchants in Prehistoric Anatolia  3    3  5
HCIV 102  History of Civilization II  3    3  5
PHIL 102  Ancient Philosophy  3    3  5
  Ancient Language Requirement II      3  -


Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
ECON 103  Principles of Economics  4    3  5
HART 310  Introduction to Digital Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 399  Summer Practice I      -  6
  Ancient Language Requirement III      3  -
  Department Elective      3  -
  Science Elective      3  -
  Social Science Core Elective      3  -

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
COMD 358  Professional Communication  3    3  5
HART 325  Anatolia II- The World of Hittites  3    3  5
  Ancient Language Requirement IV      3  -
  Arts Core Elective      3  -
  Department Elective      3  -


Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
HART 305  Byzantine and Islamic Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 401  Summer Practice II      -  6
HART 409  Museum Practices and the Preservation of Cultural Heritage  3    3  5
HART 423  Anatolia III-Life in Greek and Roman Anatolia (Classical Anatolia)  3    3  5
  Department Elective      6  -
  General Elective      3  -

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
HART 400  Senior Project      3  5
HART 426  Ancient Technologies and Materials  3    3  5
HART 436  Archaeological Method and Theory  3    3  5
  Department Electives (2)      6  -
  General Elective      3  -


Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
HART 206  Mythologies of the Ancient Mediterranean World  3    3  5
HART 228  UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Turkey-Göbeklitepe, Çatalhöyük, Troia and Hattusha  3    3  5
HART 231  Ancient Greek I  3    3  5
HART 232  Ancient Greek II  3    3  5
HART 239  Latin I  3    3  5
HART 240  Latin II  3    3  5
HART 303  Greek Sculpture  3    3  5
HART 306  Hellenistic and Roman Sculpture  3    3  5
HART 307  Monumental Painting  3    3  5
HART 308  Greek Vase Painting  3    3  5
HART 313  European Prehistory  3    3  5
HART 315  Greek Architecture  3    3  5
HART 316  Roman Architecture  3    3  5
HART 317  Archaeology of Troy  3    3  5
HART 318  Archaeology of Syria and Palestine  3    3  5
HART 328  The Aegean Bronze Age  3    3  5
HART 330  Egyptian Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 333  Ancient Greek III  3    3  5
HART 334  Ancient Greek IV  3    3  5
HART 335  Monuments of Babylon  3    3  5
HART 343  Latin III  3    3  5
HART 344  Latin IV  3    3  5
HART 346  Daily Life in Ancient Greece  3    3  5
HART 348  Coloring Greek and Roman Antiquity: Mosaics, Paintings and Sculptures  3    3  5
HART 351  Monuments of Athens  3    3  5
HART 352  Monuments of Rome  3    3  5
HART 353  Introduction to Akkadian  3    3  5
HART 354  Akkadian II  3    3  5
HART 357  Akkadian I  3    3  5
HART 360  Ancient Mesoamerican Civilizations  3    3  5
HART 365  Ancient Cities  3    3  5
HART 367  Pompeii: Life and Death of a Roman City  3    3  5
HART 370  Iron Age Sculpture of the Near East  3    3  5
HART 372  Hittite I  3    3  5
HART 373  Hittite II  3    3  5
HART 374  Hittite III  3    3  5
HART 375  Hittite IV  3    3  5
HART 376  The Land of a Thousand Gods: History and Literature of Ancient Anatolia  3    3  5
HART 380  Archaeology of Phoenicia  3    3  5
HART 403  Greek Sanctuaries  3    3  5
HART 410  Special Topics in Art, Architecture and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 420  Readings in Prehistory  3    3  5
HART 424  Religion and Society in the Ancient Near East  3    3  5
HART 428  Aegean Bronze Age Civilizations  3    3  5
HART 430  Readings in Near Eastern Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 431  The Archaeology of Cyprus in the Bronze Age  3    3  5
HART 433  The Eastern Roman Provinces  3    3  5
HART 434  Landscape Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 435  Selected Topics in Anatolian Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 439  Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods in Anatolia  3    3  5
HART 440  Readings in Anatolian Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 441  Gender and Body Language in Greek and Roman Sculpture  3    3  5
HART 450  Readings in Greek Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 454  Introduction to Sumerology  3    3  5
HART 460  Readings in Roman Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 474  Neo-Assyrian Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 490  Supervised Study      3  5
HART 491  Readings from Near Eastern Texts  3    3  5
HART 492  Readings From Greek/Latin Texts  3    3  5


The Minor Track in Archaeology aims to provide students with a useful background for many careers different from "hardcore archaeology", such as publishing, tourism, communications, law, management and finance, international relations, and government service. The Minor track is designed to equip candidates with both broad and in-depth knowledge in Pre-Classical and Classical archaeology, its current research objectives, methodologies and applications.

Prerequisite Courses: None



Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
HART 111  Introduction to Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 208  Roman Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 219  Anatolia I-Hunters,Farmers,Merchants in Prehistoric Anatolia  3    3  5
HART 227  Greek Archaeology  3    3  5
  HART electives (2)      6  -


Master of Arts in Archaeology

The Department of Archaeology offers a graduate program leading to the M.A. degree. The program focuses on the archaeology and art of Anatolia from the Prehistoric to the Medieval period, within its Mediterranean and Near Eastern context. Instruction is primarily through courses that encourage independent research, and emphasis is placed on individuality of thought as well as a thorough knowledge of the field and the application of critical methods to archaeological problems.

Admission: Applicants are normally expected to have an undergraduate major in archaeology, history of art, anthropology, or a related subject, and must demonstrate a proficiency in English. Students from other disciplines are also eligible for the program, providing they remedy deficiencies in their academic background by completing up to one year of preparatory courses prior to beginning the Master's program. (Also refer to the ''Graduate Admissions'' section in the introduction of this catalog for the general graduate admission requirements.)

Degree Requirements: The program requires students to complete a minimum of 21 units of course work (a total of at least 7 courses), comprising courses in Archaeological Method and Theory, Research Directives in Archaeology and Anatolian Art, and seminars in Pre-Classical and Classical Archaeology. A range of seminar topics is offered within each specified period, and these are varied each semester according to the needs of the students and the specialties of the instructors. Students are encouraged to take an ancient language (Ancient Greek, Latin, Hittite, or Akkadian, as offered). Students who wish to supplement their academic background are permitted to attend undergraduate lecture courses and seminars either as auditors or for extra credit. They can also enroll in Erasmus exchange programs or internships in various European countries.

By the end of the second year the student will complete a Master's thesis in a specialized field of study. Participation in an approved field project or internship is a recommended part of the program. By the second year at the latest a reading knowledge of French or German must be demonstrated through examination.



Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
GE 500  Research Methods and Academic Publication Ethics      -  1
GE 590  Academic Practices      -  12
HART 501  Issues in Archaeological Theory  3    3  5
HART 519  Research Directions for Anatolian Archaeology and Art  3    3  5
HART 590  Seminar      -  1
HART 599  Master's Thesis      -  71
  Core Electives (3)      9  15
  Restricted Electives (2)      6  10


Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
HART 507  Pre-Classical Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 508  Issues in Pre-Classical Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 509  Classical Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 510  Issues in Classical Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 514  Readings in Classical Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 515  Readings in Near Eastern Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 517  Readings in Anatolian Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 523  Medieval Art and Archaeology  3    3  5


Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
ARCH 411  Conservation of Historical Environments  3    3  5
ARCH 462  Medieval Architecture in the Eastern Mediterranean  3    3  5
HART 403  Greek Sanctuaries  3    3  5
HART 409  Museum Practices and the Preservation of Cultural Heritage  3    3  5
HART 410  Special Topics in Art, Architecture and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 423  Anatolia III-Life in Greek and Roman Anatolia (Classical Anatolia)  3    3  5
HART 424  Religion and Society in the Ancient Near East  3    3  5
HART 426  Ancient Technologies and Materials  3    3  5
HART 428  Aegean Bronze Age Civilizations  3    3  5
HART 431  The Archaeology of Cyprus in the Bronze Age  3    3  5
HART 433  The Eastern Roman Provinces  3    3  5
HART 434  Landscape Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 439  Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods in Anatolia  3    3  5
HART 441  Gender and Body Language in Greek and Roman Sculpture  3    3  5
HART 453  Palaeolithic Archaeology in Eurasia and the Near East  3    3  5
HART 474  Neo-Assyrian Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 503  Issues in Conservation and Preservation  3    3  5
HART 507  Pre-Classical Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 508  Issues in Pre-Classical Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 509  Classical Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 510  Issues in Classical Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 514  Readings in Classical Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 515  Readings in Near Eastern Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 516  Supervised Research in Near Eastern Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 517  Readings in Anatolian Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 518  Supervised Research in Anatolian Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 519  Research Directions for Anatolian Archaeology and Art  3    3  5
HART 521  Problems in Medieval Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 523  Medieval Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 524  Issues in Medieval Art and Archaeology  3    3  5
HART 542  Hittite I  3    3  5
HART 543  Hittite II  3    3  5
HART 544  Hittite III  3    3  5
HART 545  Hittite IV  3    3  5
HART 546  Akkadian I  3    3  5
HART 547  Akkadian II  3    3  5
HART 551  Ancient Greek I  3    3  5
HART 552  Ancient Greek II  3    3  5
HART 553  Ancient Greek III  3    3  5
HART 554  Ancient Greek IV  3    3  5
HART 563  Latin I  3    3  5
HART 564  Latin II  3    3  5
HART 576  The Land of a Thousand Gods: History and Literature of Ancient Anatolia  3    3  5
HART 583  Latin III  3    3  5
HART 584  Latin IV  3    3  5
HART 588  Readings From Greek/Latin Texts  3    3  5
HIST 413  Byzantine History I: 324-1025  3    3  5
HIST 414  Byzantine History II: 1025-1453  3    3  5
HIST 588  The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem 1099-1291  3    3  5
HIST 5513  Venice between the Byzantines and the Ottomans (ca. 300 - ca. 1700 CE)  3    3  5
HIST 5514  Cities of the Empires:Eastern Mediterranean Urbanism From Late Antiquity to The Early Ottoman Era  3    3  5
PHIL 532  Aesthetics  3    3  5

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