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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2023-2024

Courses of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
LAUD 201 Design Studio I:Site Design  2  8  6  8.5
LAUD 202 Design Studio II: Housing  2  8  6  8.5
LAUD 221 Introduction to Urban Concepts  3    3  5
LAUD 232 Landscape Representation    3  3  5
LAUD 241 Landscape Plants  4    3  5
LAUD 242 Flora of Turkey  2  2  3  5
LAUD 252 Site Design Techniques  2  2  3  5
LAUD 290 Summer Practice II      None  6
LAUD 301 Design Studio III: Small Town  2  8  6  8.5
LAUD 302 Design Studio IV: City Center  2  8  6  8.5
LAUD 324 Morphology and Topology of Urban Spaces  3    3  5
LAUD 342 Planting Design Studio  2  2  3  5
LAUD 357 Landscape Construction: Techniques, Materials and Structures  2  2  3  5
LAUD 362 Making of Urban Landscape  2  2  3  5
LAUD 372 Analysis of Urban Environment  2  2  3  5
LAUD 390 Summer Practice III      None  6
LAUD 401 Senior Design Studio I: Open Space Network  2  8  6  8.5
LAUD 402 Senior Design Studio II: Graduation Projects  2  8  6  8.5
LAUD 404 Senior Design Research  4    3  5
LAUD 417 Contract Documents  2  2  3  5
LAUD 418 Professional Practice  2  2  3  5
LAUD 421 Realization of Urban Projects    3  3  5
LAUD 422 Processing Urban Design Competitions  3    3  5
LAUD 461 Occupancy in Urban Areas  3    3  5
LAUD 466 Designing the Sustainable City  2  2  3  5
LAUD 471 Urban Sociology  3    3  5
LAUD 472 Recent Issues in Human Geography  3    3  5
LAUD 473 Experiencing the City  3    3  5
LAUD 474 Space, Culture and Identity  3    3  5
LAUD 475 Cinema and Space  3    3  5
LAUD 476 Visual Politics of Space  3    3  5
LAUD 481 Landscape Ecology Studio  2  2  3  5
LAUD 483 Environment Philosophy and Ethics  3    3  5

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