Academic Staff
The Faculty of Applied Sciences comprises two academic departments:
- Information Systems and Technologies
- Tourism and Hotel Management
The Information Systems and Technologies Department (CTIS) aims to provide a first rate education in the field of
computers and information technologies for college and high school graduates who are willing to apply themselves diligently
to a computer education and who wish to prepare themselves for the broad range of exciting career opportunities, in this dynamic
and rapidly expanding field. The CTIS curriculum is designed to meet the popular and expanding IT industry requirements like
mobile application development, networks and web technologies, software engineering, data warehousing, and information storage and management
where technical background is not sufficient and needs to be supported by social skills. To accomplish this, CTIS technical courses
are complemented by a range of business studies. These include both management and social/communication courses. Main goal is
to graduate students who are technically both competent and confident, who are innovative, adaptable, and who have sound teamwork
and interpersonal communication skills.
The Department of Tourism and Hotel Management (THM) aims to prepare students for managerial and
supervisory positions in hotel, restaurant and travel establishments, encouraging them to establish their
own firms in hospitality and travel industries. Hotel and restaurant business, culinary arts and travel
industry studies emphasized with management courses are taught theoretically. On-premise
training facilities including the Practice Restaurant; fully equipped demonstration kitchen,
the small quantity food laboratory, practice kitchen are the practical side of the
curriculum. The THM Department also conducts industrial training programs,
so that students may complete internships and externships providing real life experience with well
known leading international hotel and restaurant chains and multinational travel and tour operators
offering a healthy blend of theoretical and applied learning of the 21st century. Bilkent Hotel and
Conference Center - Ankara is a significant part of the Departments' training programs.