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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025


Orhan Arıkan, Ph.D., Dean
Barbaros Çetin, Ph.D., Assoc. Dean

Academic Staff


  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering

    The Faculty of Engineering comprises four academic departments:

    • Computer Engineering
    • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    • Industrial Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering

    The Departments of Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering offer both graduate and undergraduate programs leading to B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. In addition, the Faculty contributes to interdisciplinary graduate programs that offer M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in the areas of Materials Science and Nanotechnology and Neuroscience.

    The mission of the Faculty of Engineering is not only to impart contemporary engineering and scientific knowledge in the four engineering disciplines but also to inculcate creativity, research techniques, and self development. The graduates of engineering programs are expected to acquire dynamic learning skills and to readily adapt to technological changes as well as to solve fast growing problems of the modern society.

    Engineering education is an evolutionary process driven by advances in technology. Hence, the aim of the programs is to develop the ability to learn on a career-long basis.

    The programs of study in engineering aim to achieve a productive balance between depth of knowledge acquired in technical areas and breadth of knowledge acquired through humanities, arts and social sciences. Depth involves the intensive study of a subject through specialization in a major field; breadth on the other hand plays an important role to equip the graduate in pursuit of a richer personal and professional life. Hence, the curriculum provides a firm background in the basic sciences through courses in mathematics, computer science, physics, and chemistry. It has a solid syllabus of engineering that leads to specialized courses that are primarily of a technical nature. In order to provide the student with a broad intellectual spectrum, elective courses are offered through the other faculties of the university. Knowledge in humanities, arts and social science will contribute to students' understanding of the society and environment in which the engineering is practiced.

    An integral component of engineering profession is centered upon various forms of communication. Therefore, a significant goal in engineering education is to equip prospective engineers with strong communication skills. Language and communications courses are integrated into the curriculum to reach this target.

    Physical, mathematical and engineering sciences courses are intended to provide the students with the necessary capability to model and analyze the real world engineering problems. The courses with design components are to increase innovation and synthesis capability whereas the capstone project courses are to enhance the integration capability of the students. Students are expected to utilize, integrate and advance their accumulated knowledge skills and engineering concepts during their semester-long and year-long specialized design projects.

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