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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025


Ali Sinan Sertöz, Ph.D., Chair

Academic Staff

The Department of Mathematics offers undergraduate and graduate courses that lead to B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics as well as undergraduate and graduate courses to all departments of the university.

The department emphasizes both pure and applied mathematics. Research in the department covers algebra, algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, functional analysis, algebraic number theory, dynamical systems and differential equations, and general relativity.


The undergraduate program in mathematics aims to serve two different purposes through a highly flexible curriculum.

On the one hand we educate the future mathematicians both with the pure and applied interests. For this we have a carefully prepared program whose success is tested over and over again during the last two decades. Only highly motivated and research oriented students choose specialized mathematics courses and together with equally motivated and talented classmates they experience a challenging and rewarding learning process. The program allows students to choose and specialize on their research subjects and they may start to do projects with their chosen mentors.

On the other hand we realize that some of our students decide not to pursue a research oriented path in mathematics. They want to prepare themselves for the challenges of the new era with a solid background in mathematics. Modern times require multivariate skills for jobs which were neither existent nor conceivable before. Our curriculum allows such students to structure their own education by allowing them to choose from the rich pool of courses offered on the campus by any department. This allows them to specialize on a subject of their choice with the advantage of having a strong mathematical basis.

The flexibility of our curriculum allows us to mentor and train both prospective mathematicians and widely educated individuals who will have a definite edge in the competitive job market for jobs which require talented and knowledgeable team members.

Our curriculum thus prepares students, according to their own choice, either for graduate work and research in mathematics, or for successful future in jobs such as economics, finance, business and education, just to name a few roads walked by our past graduates.



Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
ENG 101  English and Composition I  5    3  5
GE 100  Orientation      1  2
MATH 101  Calculus I  4    4  6.5
MATH 123  Abstract Mathematics I  4    4  6.5
PHYS 101  General Physics I  3  3  4  6.5
TURK 101  Turkish I      2  3.5

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
ENG 102  English and Composition II  5    3  5
MATH 102  Calculus II  4    4  6.5
MATH 124  Abstract Mathematics II  4    4  6.5
MBG 110  Introduction to Modern Biology  3    3  5
PHYS 102  General Physics II  3  3  4  6.5
TURK 102  Turkish II      2  3.5


Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
CS 115  Introduction to Programming in Python  3  4  4  6.5
GE 250  Collegiate Activities Program I      -  1
HIST 200  History of Turkey  3    4  6.5
MATH 213  Advanced Calculus I  4    4  6.5
MATH 223  Linear Algebra I  3    3  5
MATH 240  Differential Equations  3    3  5

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
GE 251  Collegiate Activities Program II      1  2
MATH 210  Finite and Discrete Mathematics  3    3  5
MATH 214  Advanced Calculus II  4    4  6.5
MATH 224  Linear Algebra II  3    3  5
  Electives (2)      6  -


Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
HUM 111  Cultures Civilizations and Ideas I  3    3  5
MATH 202  Complex Analysis  3    3  5
MATH 323  Algebra I  3    3  5
  Electives (2)      6  -
  MATH Elective      3  -

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
COMD 358  Professional Communication  3    3  5
HUM 112  Cultures Civilizations and Ideas II  3    3  5
MATH 253  Introduction to Number Theory  3    3  5
  Electives (2)      6  -
  MATH Elective      3  -


Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
MATH 399  Summer Practice      -  8
  Electives (2)      6  -
  MATH Elective      3  -
  Project Elective      3  -
  Social Science Core Elective      3  -

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
  Arts Core Elective      3  -
  Electives (3)      9  -
  MATH Elective      3  -


Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
MATH 291  Summer Project I      3  5
MATH 310  Topology  3    3  5
MATH 313  Real Analysis I  3    3  5
MATH 314  Real Analysis II  3    3  5
MATH 324  Algebra II  3    3  5
MATH 330  Principles of Applied Mathematics  3    3  5
MATH 345  Differential Geometry I  3    3  5
MATH 391  Summer Project II      3  5
MATH 414  Functional Analysis  3    3  5
MATH 421  Introduction to Quantum Computation  3    3  5
MATH 422  Topics in Quantum Information Theory  3    3  5
MATH 431  Introduction to Algebraic Geometry  3    3  5
MATH 440  Dynamical Systems  3    3  5
MATH 443  Partial Differential Equations  3    3  5
MATH 445  Analysis on Manifolds  3    3  5
MATH 465  Mathematical Foundations of Data Science  3    3  5
MATH 473  Introduction to Financial Mathematics  3    3  5
MATH 491  Senior Project I      3  5
MATH 492  Senior Project II      3  5

Double Major with Mathematics

The double major program in mathematics is an option for exceptional undergraduate students enrolled in an undergraduate program to pursue a second bachelor's degree from the Mathematics Department to prepare them for interdisciplinary research. Students are closely supervised and are responsible for all courses in the mathematics undergraduate curriculum except common or equivalent courses with their host undergraduate programs.

Admission Requirements: Students with a cumulative grade point average of 3.30/4.00 and higher can start after completing two or three semesters in their host undergraduate programs.

Degree Requirements: Students must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.00/4.00 and higher in their host undergraduate programs while continuing in the double major mathematics program and finishing it within ten semesters after enrolling in their host undergraduate programs.


The minor program in mathematics is designed to give the students a short view of what constitutes modern mathematics beyond the more computational Calculus courses. The mathematics courses taken by students in other disciplines are usually geared towards using certain methods. However, one might also want to understand the reasons, mechanisms, and the axiomatic structure underlying the results. For this, one must also learn the proofs of mathematical theorems and obtain from them further mathematical results. This is what is generally considered doing mathematics.

In the minor program, students take 4 required courses, 2 from each of mathematics' two classical well-established areas, algebra and analysis. They form a well-balanced introduction to modern mathematics. They are also essential for an understanding of more advanced courses in these and other areas, two of which should be taken as electives. A good selection of electives would include courses in other areas as well so that students would have an idea of some of the newer developments in modern mathematics. The purpose is not to specialize in a narrow area, but rather to broaden one's understanding.

Prerequisite Courses:

  • MATH 102 Calculus II
  • MATH 106 Introduction to Calculus II
  • MATH 114 Multi Variable Calculus
  • MATH 116 Intermediate Calculus III



Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
MATH 213  Advanced Calculus I  4    4  6.5
MATH 323  Algebra I  3    3  5
  Electives (2)      6  -
  MATH 202 or MATH 302      3  -
  MATH 223 or MATH 224      3  -


Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
MATH 214  Advanced Calculus II  4    4  6.5
MATH 224  Linear Algebra II  3    3  5
MATH 240  Differential Equations  3    3  5
MATH 253  Introduction to Number Theory  3    3  5
MATH 310  Topology  3    3  5
MATH 313  Real Analysis I  3    3  5
MATH 314  Real Analysis II  3    3  5
MATH 324  Algebra II  3    3  5
MATH 330  Principles of Applied Mathematics  3    3  5
MATH 345  Differential Geometry I  3    3  5
MATH 414  Functional Analysis  3    3  5
MATH 421  Introduction to Quantum Computation  3    3  5
MATH 422  Topics in Quantum Information Theory  3    3  5
MATH 431  Introduction to Algebraic Geometry  3    3  5
MATH 440  Dynamical Systems  3    3  5
MATH 443  Partial Differential Equations  3    3  5
MATH 445  Analysis on Manifolds  3    3  5
MATH 465  Mathematical Foundations of Data Science  3    3  5
MATH 473  Introduction to Financial Mathematics  3    3  5


The aim of the program is to develop students into mathematicians who can pursue original and creative research. The program emphasizes research in pure and applied mathematics. At present, research in the graduate program is focused on algebra, algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, analytic number theory, complex analysis, functional analysis, non-linear differential equations and general relativity.

Master of Science in Mathematics

Admission: All applicants are required to have a B.S. degree in mathematics, or in a related field of science or engineering. Students with a B.S. degree in areas other than mathematics may be requested to take several undergraduate courses in the field to acquire necessary background. Evaluation of applicants is based on their ALES (Akademik Personel ve Lisansüstü Eğitimi Giriş Sınavı - Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education Entrance Examination) scores, past academic records, reference letters and an interview. Applicants who are not Turkish citizens and Turkish citizen applicants who are residents of another country may take GRE instead of ALES. All non-native speakers of English are required to submit a proof of satisfactory knowledge of English.

Degree Requirements: In addition to at least 21 credit units of course work, the M.S. degree candidate must prepare and successfully defend a thesis. Expected duration to complete the M.S. program is four semesters; the maximum duration is six semesters.



Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
GE 500  Research Methods and Academic Publication Ethics      -  1
GE 590  Academic Practices      -  12
MATH 599  Master's Thesis      -  71
  Core Graduate Electives (3)      9  -
  Graduate Elective      3  -
  Graduate Seminars in Mathematics      -  -
  MATH Graduate Electives (3)      9  -

The descriptions provided here for different elective course groups are only for guidance. The complete list of courses in each elective group are given in the electronic registration system.

Graduate Elective Courses: All 5XX or higher level courses with at least 3 credits offered by Graduate School of Engineering and Science. Graduate School of Engineering and Science comprises graduate programs of the departments of Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Physics, Architecture, and the interdisciplinary graduate programs Material Science and Nanotechnology, and Neuroscience.

MATH Graduate Elective Courses: All 5XX or higher level MATH coded courses with at least 3 credits.

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics

Admission: Allapplicants are require to have B.S. degree in mathematics, or in a related field of science or engineering. Evaluation of applicants is based on their ALES (Akademik Personel ve Lisansüstü Eğitimi Giriş Sınavı - Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education Entrance Examination) scores, past academic records, reference letters and an interview. Applicants who are not Turkish citizens and Turkish citizen applicants who are residents of another country may take GRE instead of ALES. All non-native speakers of English are required to submit a proof of satisfactory knowledge of English.

Degree Requirements:21 credit units of course work beyond the M.S. level or 42 credits of course work beyond the B.S. level is required. Ph.D. candidates must pass a qualifying exam and then must prepare a thesis work proposal. Preparing and defending a dissertation based on original research is the essence of the program. A paper based on the candidate's thesis must be accepted or published in a reputable journal before the dissertation can be defended. The expected duration to complete the Ph.D. program is eight semesters for students who enter the program after an M.S. degree, and ten semesters for those who enter after a B.S. degree. The maximum durations are twelve and fourteen semesters, respectively.

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics



Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
GE 500  Research Methods and Academic Publication Ethics      -  1
GE 690  Academic Practices      -  24
MATH 699  Ph.D. Dissertation      -  203
  Core Graduate Electives (3)      9  -
  Graduate Elective      3  -
  Graduate Seminars in Mathematics      -  -
  MATH Graduate Electives (3)      9  -

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics (After a Bachelor's Degree)



Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
GE 500  Research Methods and Academic Publication Ethics      -  1
GE 690  Academic Practices      -  24
MATH 699  Ph.D. Dissertation      -  203
  Core Graduate Electives (6)      18  30
  Graduate Electives (2)      6  10
  Graduate Seminars in Mathematics (2)      -  2
  MATH Graduate Electives (6)      18  30

The descriptions provided here for different elective course groups are only for guidance. The complete list of courses in each elective group are given in the electronic registration system.

Graduate Elective Courses: All 5XX or higher level courses with at least 3 credits offered by Graduate School of Engineering and Science. Graduate School of Engineering and Science comprises graduate programs of the departments of Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Physics, Architecture, and the interdisciplinary graduate programs Material Science and Nanotechnology, and Neuroscience.

MATH Graduate Elective Courses: All 5XX or higher level MATH coded courses with at least 3 credits.

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