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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025


(applicable to undergraduate students only)

Please see Articles 4.13 to 4.20 of the "Academic Regulations for Undergraduate and Associate Degree Programs".

Honor and High Honor

Students achieving distinction by obtaining a semester GPA of 3.00 to 3.49 while carrying at least a minimum course load and having a CGPA of 2.00 or higher are designated "Honor" students on the transcript for that semester. Those achieving a GPA of 3.50 or above, under the same conditions, are designated "High Honor" students.


Students maintaining a CGPA of 2.00 or higher at the end of a semester are considered to have "Satisfactory" academic standing.


Students having a CGPA of 1.80 to 1.99 at the end of a semester are placed on academic "Probation." Students on probation are expected to repeat courses of their choice from among the courses in which they previously received a grade of C-, D+, D, F, FX, FZ, or U.


A student having a CGPA of below 1.80 at the end of a semester is considered to have an "Unsatisfactory" academic standing. These students are required to repeat courses of their choice from among the courses in which they previously received a grade of C-, D+, D, F, FX, FZ or U.

New Course Limitations

During course registrations at the beginning of each semester, all courses for which a student has not received a letter grade (excluding W) in previous semesters are considered to be "new courses" for that student.

Students on probation are required to take courses in which they received any of the grades F, FX, FZ, U, and W in previous semesters. They can also register for new courses with a maximum total number of credit hours that does not exceed 60% of the Nominal Credit Load for their program. Such students can repeat courses that they will select among those courses in which they received C-, D+, or D for the purpose of improving their CGPA. If a student on probation is registering for the second semester in a program, he/she may register for new courses with a maximum total number of credit hours that does not exceed 85% of the Nominal Credit Load.

Unsatisfactory students cannot register for any new courses except for non-credit courses. Such students must repeat courses for which they have received F, FX, FZ, U or W grades, and are also expected to repeat any of the courses they wish for which they have previously received C-, D+, or D, for the purpose of improving their CGPA. If an Unsatisfactory student is registering for the second semester in a program, he/she may register for new courses with a maximum total number of credit hours that does not exceed 70% of the Nominal Credit Load for their program.

Repeating a Course

Students receiving a grade of F, FX, FZ or U in a course must repeat that course within two semesters. Students receiving a grade below a C in ENG 101, or an F, FX, FZ in ENG 102 must repeat the course the next time it is offered. To improve their CGPA, students with an academic standing of "Satisfactory" may choose to repeat any course previously taken in which they received a grade of B- or lower within two semesters.

When a course is repeated, the new letter grade replaces the previous letter grade in the CGPA calculation. Under certain restrictive conditions, an elective course may be taken to replace a previously taken elective course from the same elective group. A required course that is no longer offered may be replaced with an equivalent course that is approved by the Faculty. In these cases, only the replacing course is included in the CGPA calculations. All grades, whether included in the CGPA calculation or not, will appear in the transcript.

Duration of Study

The normal period for completion of undergraduate studies at Bilkent University is four academic years. Students in four-year programs must complete the requirements of their programs within at most seven academic years (excluding studies in the English Language Preparatory Program). Students who fail to graduate within that period or who will be unable to qualify for such graduation are dismissed from the University.

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