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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025


Ebru Kaya, Ph.D., Director

Bilkent University Library is totally committed to meeting the scholarly and information needs of the Bilkent community, both students and faculty, as well as external library users., by supporting and facilitating all pedagogical and scientific research activities. The Main Library, housed in its own four-storey building at the center of the Main Campus, is open from 8:30 to 23:30 weekdays; from 9:00 to 23:30 weekends. The East Campus Library is open from 8:30 to 17:00 weekdays. Changes in opening hours for final exam periods, holidays, and summer are announced accordingly.

Bilkent Library was the first Turkish university library to offer its users automated services through an integrated computer system. The system meets the needs of the 21st century library and its users. Search and discovery tools can manage and present library resources of all types and formats and give the users the power to discover the library collection in a single interface. It provides the use of an online public access catalog to all readers with access to computer terminals both in the libraries and elsewhere on campus as well as to researchers, any place in the world, with access to the internet. There are also 33 computers with internet access in the Reference and Current Periodicals Rooms for the purpose of searching e-resources and browsing the internet. Circulation of the collection is also automated. Wireless Internet access is available in both libraries.

The library collection contains over 2.5 million items, including more than 520,000 printed books and 1,700,000 electronic books. The library subscribes to 186 print journals mostly from the USA and Europe and provides electronic access to over 90,000 e-journals. $3 million is spent each year on databases, books, journals and other resources, including DVDs and VCDs, maps, microforms, CD-ROMs, music scores and sound recordings. The library makes over 250 databases available online, which provide access to both citations and the full texts of journal articles, conference proceedings and papers and research material.

Each faculty of Bilkent University has its own dedicated librarian who is responsible for supporting the teaching, learning and research needs of students and academic staff. These information specialist are equipped with access to information and provide a link between the faculties and Library. The duties of the faculty librarians include: determining the information needs of users; Guiding them to make the best use of collection and library services through information literacy instruction, and developing the library collection to align with academic and research priorities.

Bilkent University Library has been designated by the Library of Congress to receive U.S. Government documents and makes them available in the Official Publications Room. The Bilkent University European Union Information Center opened in 2001 with the status of a full EUI serving as a depository for European Commission publications and World Bank regional publications.

Materials of special interest to students include the "easy reading" section. The newspaper collection includes leading foreign newspapers. Daily newspapers and popular magazines from all over the world can be read as online through various subscribed databases such as PressReader, OverDrive, Financial Times, The Economist etc. In addition, a stationery is available in the library.

Reciprocal lending-borrowing agreements with a number of Ankara-area universities make it possible for Bilkent faculty members to borrow books from those libraries as well. Additionally, Bilkent University Library has Inter Library Loan (ILL) services for graduate students and faculties in order to supply resources from all around the world. Orientation tours of the Bilkent University Library are conducted on request in English and Turkish. The Main Library also houses an Art Gallery, with exhibitions running throughout the semester, and where regular musical performances and academic lectures are held. In order to make studying and research more pleasant there are two cafes in Main Library. The Library communicates all news and announcements through the university website, BAIS e-mail, Bilkent News, and social media such as X (former Twitter), Instagram, Linkedln, Facebook and Flickr.

Further information about the Library and its collection can be found at:

Bilkent University Main Page

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