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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025


Tümay Öztürk Altaş, Director

The Career and Alumni Office provides career related services for Bilkent students throughout their university years and facilitates communication among Bilkent graduates. To prepare students for entering the business world, the Office offers workshops and seminars that focus on employment-seeking skills such as rèsumé writing, interviewing techniques, and career activities. Various companies, international organizations and government agencies refer to the Office to recruit graduates. In order to reunite students and graduates with the business world, the Office administers a database where students and graduates upload their CVs and directly apply for positions; and companies release their job postings and poll amongst the current recorded CVs. Another objective of the Career and Alumni Office is to strengthen the communication of the graduates with the university and also with each other. The Office organizes various activities in the campus for the alumni including the Annual Alumni Homecoming Weekend and the Graduation Party.

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