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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025

Academic Staff of Faculty of Science
Engin Umut Akkaya
Ph.D., Chemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus 1989. Molecular and Supramolecular Synthetic Chemistry and Exploration of Emerging Functions.  
Fahri Alkan
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Delaware, 2016. Atomically precise nanoclusters, quantum effects in plasmon coupling, approximate-TDDFT methods, computational NMR.  
İnci Apaydın
M.S., Operations Research, Middle East Technical University, 1989. Classical and Exploratory Statistics, Forecasting, Statistical Decision Making, Information Society.  
Fatihcan Atay
Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, Brown University, 1994. Dynamical systems, delay differential equations, networks and graph theory, complex systems, applied mathematics.  
Deniz Aybaş
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Boston University, 2021. Experimental atomic, molecular and optical physics.  
Cihan Bahran
Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Minnesota, 2019. Functorial representation theory with applications to topology.  
Laurence John Barker
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, Oxford University, 1992. Finite groups, representation theory, local and clifford theory, G-algebras, G-posets.  
Bilge Baytekin
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Chemistry, Free University of Berlin, 2008. Mechanochemistry, organic materials chemistry, electrostatics.  
Kadri İlker Berktav
Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, 2021. Algebraic geometry, higher structures, and mathematical physics, working on higher categorical structures in geometry and physics; derived algebraic/symplectic geometry.  
Ceyhun Bulutay
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 1997. Computational semiconductor physics.  
Şahin Büyükdağlı
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Theoretical Physics, University Joseph Fourier, 2007. Statistical physics, biophysical modelling.  
İlyas Chachoua
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium, 2017. Signal transduction and molecular hematology, De duve institute and Ludwig institute for cancer research.  
Onur Çizmecioğlu
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Cell Biology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), University of Heidelberg, 2009. Signaling pathways in cancer, PI3K pathway, regulation of cell and centrosome cycles.  
Ömer Dağ
Ph.D., Chemistry, Middle East Technical University, 1994. Synthesis, characterization and spectroscopy of solid-state materials.  
Turgay Dalkara
Ph.D., Pharmacology, Hacettepe University, 1981. Neurobiology of migraine, neuroinflammatory signaling, brain microcirculation, brain-derived extracellular vesicles.  
Aleksander Degtyarev
Ph.D., Mathematics, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 1988. Algebraic topology, algebraic geometry.  
Bahar Değirmenci Uzun
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Molecular Biology, University of Zurich, 2018. Intestinal stem cells, colorectal cancer, obesity.  
Hilmi Volkan Demir
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 2004. Nanoscience, nanotechnology, nanophotonies, optoelectronics light-emitting diodes (LEDs), semiconductor nanocrystals, RF sensing bioimplants and medical devices.  
Ahmet Züfer Eriş
Senior Lecturer
Ph.D., Mathematical Physics, Middle East Technical University, 1976. Classical Field Theories, General Relativity, Integrable Systems.  
Alexandre Goncharov
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, Rostov State University, 1986. Functional analysis. Topological vector spaces, spaces of infinitely differentiable functions.  
Serkan İsmail Göktuna
Assistant Professor (on leave)
Ph.D., Human Biology, Technical University of Munich, 2010. Cancer biology, tumor immunology, autoimmune diseases.  
Ahmet Muhtar Güloğlu
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, Ohio State University, 2005. Analytic number theory, automorphic forms.  
Oğuz Gülseren
Ph.D., Condensed Matter Physics, Bilkent University, 1992. Theoretical Solid State Physics, nanoscience, metal nanowires, carbon nanotubes, exotic superconductors high pressure-high temperature properties of metals, phonons and vibrational spectra.  
Metin Gürses
Ph.D., in Physics, Middle East Technical University, 1975. Mathematical Physics, Applied Mathematics. More specifically General Relativity and Integrable Systems.  
Yaghoub Heydarzade
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Physics, Azerbaijan Shahid Madani University, 2018.Theoretical cosmology, black hole physics.  
Hakkı Turgay Kaptanoğlu
Professor (on leave)
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, 1991. Complex analysis and operator theory in spaces of holomorphic or harmonic functions of several variables, especially in Besov spaces.  
Ferdi Karadaş
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry, Texas A ?amp; M University, 2009. Synthesis and characterization of magnetic and parous inorganic materials.  
Azer Kerimov
Ph.D., Mathematics, Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics and Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, 1988. Mathematical theory of statistical physics, probability, mathematical analysis.  
Aydın Cem Keser
Assistant Professor
Muhammet Yasir Kızmaz
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, 2018. Finite group theory.  
Özlen Konu Karakayalı
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Biology, Texas Tech University, 1999. Microarray data analysis, gene networks in nicotine's pharmacological effects, zebrafish genetics.  
Dilek Köksal
Ph.D., Mathematics, Ankara University, 1984. Probability and Statistics.  
Zeki Cemal Kuruoğlu
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., Theoretical Chemistry/Chemical Physics, University of Florida, 1978. Chemical reaction dynamics, quantum theory of scattering, few-body problems, numerical methods for quantum mechanical calculations.  
Konstantinos Maronikolakis
Ph.D., Mathematics, University College Dublin, 2024. Complex analysis, potential theory, functional analysis.  
Cihan Okay
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of British Columbia, 2014. Algebraic topology, quantum information theory.  
Mehmet Özgür Oktel
Ph.D., Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000. Theoretical condensed matter physics, atomic physics.  
Halil İbrahim Okur
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Chemistry, Penn State University, 2014. Biointerfaces, water, nano-emulsions, biomacromolecules, lipid droplet organelles, specific ion effects, nonlinear spectroscopy, second harmonic generation.  
Özhan Öçal
Ph.D., Genetics and Development, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 2011. Pancreatic cancer, diabetes, G-protein coupled receptor signaling.  
Pınar Önal
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Medical Systems Biology (BIMSB), Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 2013. Developmental Genetics, Epigenetics, Transcriptional Regulation, Evo-Devo.  
Ekmel Özbay
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 1992. Nanotechnology, nanophotonics, nanoelectronics, metamaterials, GaN MOCVD growth, GaN devices, photonic crystals, physics and applications of nanostructures, photonic devices, nanosensors.  
Tayfun Özçelik
M.D., Human Genetics, Istanbul University, 1986. Human molecular genetics, gene mapping, mutation analysis, identification of disease genes, X-chromosome inactivation.  
Emrah Özensoy
Ph.D., in Physical Chemistry, Texas A ?amp; M University , 2004. Catalytic properties of surfaces and nanostructures, model catalyst design at the atomic level, spectroscopic investigation of single crystals and ultra-thin metal-oxide films.  
Türker Özsarı
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Virginia, 2010. Analysis of partial differential equations and control theory.  
Tomos Parry
Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Gottingen, 2019. Analytic number theory.  
Emre Ozan Polat
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Physics, Bilkent University, 2015. Quantum materials for nanophotonics, sensors and imaging technologies, flexiable electronics.  
Naci Saldı
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, Queen's University, 2015. Stochastic control theory, game theory, machine learning, information theory, probability theory and its applications.  
Sema Salur
Visiting Professor
Ali Sinan Sertöz
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of British Columbia, 1984. Algebraic geometry.  
Haldun Sevinçli
Ph.D., Physics, Bilkent University, 2008. Computational condensed matter physics, quantum transport, low-dimensional systems.  
Müfit Sezer
Ph.D., Mathematics, Purdue University, 2003. Invariant theory, commutative algebra.  
Şefik Süzer
Ph.D., Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, 1976. Electron, ion and photon spectroscopic analyses of gases, solids and surfaces.  
Bilal Tanatar
Ph.D., Condensed Matter Physics, University of Delaware, 1987. Theory of quantum solids and liquids, low dimensional electron systems, computational physics.  
Mehmet Okan Tekman
Senior Lecturer
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Minnesota, 1992. Automorphic forms, special values of L-functions.  
Onur Tokel
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Applied Physics, Cornell University, 2011.  
Fulya Türker
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Biological Chemistry, John Hopkins University School of Medicine, 2023. Proteasome-dependent protein degradation, activity-based probes, neurodegenerative diseases.  
Yunus Emre Türkmen
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, The University of Chicago, 2012. Non-covalent interactions in organocatalysis, natural product total synthesis.  
Burak Ülgüt
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Analytical and Physical Chemistry, Cornell University, 2007. Electron Transfer through molecules and assemblies.  
Bülent Ünal
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Missouri, 2000. Differential geometry, Riemannian geometry, pseudo-Riemannian geometry and Lorentzian geometry, global analysis on manifolds, general relativity and quantum field theories.  
Özgün Ünlü
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004. Algebraic topology, geometric group theory.  
Cemal Yalabık
Ph.D., Condensed Matter Physics, Brown University, 1976. Statistical mechanics: dynamics of phase transitions and critical phenomena, quantum mechanical simulation of electronic devices.  
Ergün Yalçın
Professor (on leave)
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998. Cohomology of groups, finite group actions on topological spaces, geometric structures associated to groups.  
Volkan Yazar
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Molecular Biology and Genetics, Bilkent University, 2019. Transcriptomics/Epigenetics, Systems Biology, Statistical Learning, Neurodegeneration.  
Hamza Yeşilyurt
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2004. Analytic theory of partitions, elliptic functions, basic hypergeometric series, and q-series.  
Gökhan Yıldırım
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, University of Southern California, 2013. Probability theory, statistical physics, high-dimensional statistic.  
Deniz Yılmaz
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2020. Representation theory, finite groups, block theory, biset functors.  
Işık Yuluğ
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Molecular Genetics, University of London, 1996. Gene analysis in breast cancer, gene identification, gene expression in eukaryotic systems, epigenetics.  
Natalia Zheltukhina
Ph.D., Mathematics, Bilkent University, 2002. Analytic properties of entire functions, zero distributions.  

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