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Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2023-2024

Academic Staff of Mathematics
İnci Apaydın
M.S., Operations Research, Middle East Technical University, 1989. Classical and Exploratory Statistics, Forecasting, Statistical Decision Making, Information Society.  
Fatihcan Atay
Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, Brown University, 1994. Dynamical systems, delay differential equations, networks and graph theory, complex systems, applied mathematics.  
Cihan Bahran
Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Minnesota, 2019. Functorial representation theory with applications to topology.  
Laurence John Barker
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, Oxford University, 1992. Finite groups, representation theory, local and clifford theory, G-algebras, G-posets.  
Kadri İlker Berktav
Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, 2021. Algebraic geometry, higher structures, and mathematical physics, working on higher categorical structures in geometry and physics; derived algebraic/symplectic geometry.  
Aleksander Degtyarev
Ph.D., Mathematics, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 1988. Algebraic topology, algebraic geometry.  
Aurelian Gheondea
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Bucharest 1990. Operator theory and operator algebras, spectral theory of linear differential operators, Hermitian and positive semidefinite kernels, quantum operations.  
Alexandre Goncharov
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, Rostov State University, 1986. Functional analysis. Topological vector spaces, spaces of infinitely differentiable functions.  
Ahmet Muhtar Güloğlu
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, Ohio State University, 2005. Analytic number theory, automorphic forms.  
Metin Gürses
Ph.D., in Physics, Middle East Technical University, 1975. Mathematical Physics, Applied Mathematics. More specifically General Relativity and Integrable Systems.  
Yaghoub Heydarzade
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Physics, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, 2018.Theoretical cosmology, black hole physics.  
Hakkı Turgay Kaptanoğlu
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, 1991. Complex analysis and operator theory in spaces of holomorphic or harmonic functions of several variables, especially in Besov spaces.  
Çisil Karagüzel
Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2022. Representation theory of finite groups.  
Azer Kerimov
Ph.D., Mathematics, Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics and Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, 1988. Mathematical theory of statistical physics, probability, mathematical analysis.  
Dilek Köksal
Ph.D., Mathematics, Ankara University, 1984. Probability and Statistics.  
Cihan Okay
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of British Columbia, 2014. Algebraic topology, quantum information theory.  
Türker Özsarı
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Virginia, 2010. Analysis of partial differential equations and control theory.  
Tomos Parry
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Gottingen, 2019. Analytic number theory.  
Naci Saldı
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, Queen's University, 2015. Stochastic control theory, game theory, machine learning, information theory, probability theory and its applications.  
Ali Sinan Sertöz
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of British Columbia, 1984. Algebraic geometry.  
Müfit Sezer
Ph.D., Mathematics, Purdue University, 2003. Invariant theory, commutative algebra.  
Mehmet Okan Tekman
Senior Lecturer
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Minnesota, 1992. Automorphic forms, special values of L-functions.  
Bülent Ünal
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Missouri, 2000. Differential geometry, Riemannian geometry, pseudo-Riemannian geometry and Lorentzian geometry, global analysis on manifolds, general relativity and quantum field theories.  
Özgün Ünlü
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004. Algebraic topology, geometric group theory.  
Ergün Yalçın
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998. Cohomology of groups, finite group actions on topological spaces, geometric structures associated to groups.  
Hamza Yeşilyurt
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2004. Analytic theory of partitions, elliptic functions, basic hypergeometric series, and q-series.  
Gökhan Yıldırım
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, University of Southern California, 2013. Probability theory, statistical physics, high-dimensional statistic.  
Deniz Yılmaz
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2020. Representation theory, finite groups, block theory, biset functors.  
Natalia Zheltukhina
Ph.D., Mathematics, Bilkent University, 2002. Analytic properties of entire functions, zero distributions.  

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