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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025

LAW 644 Private Law Remedies in Competition Law (in Turkish)

The prohibitive provisions of competition law; the role and weight of the private enforcement of such provisions within the frame of the purpose of competition law; the legal requirements, nature and consequences of the invalidity of the cartels, anti-competitive vertical agreements between undertakings and anti-competitive decisions of undertakings' associations; anti-competitive collusions, especially cartels, and anti-competitive unilateral practices (abuse of dominant position) as torts; damages and punitive damages as remedies of tortious anti-competitive practices; culpa in contrahendo as an anti-competitive practice and damages arising therefrom; time limitation of damages; private law consequences of prohibited mergers and acquisitions; particular problems in civil procedure law : all will be elaborated on grounds of the civil law remedies provided for in The Act Numbered 4054 On Protection Of Competition, of the rules of The Code Of Obligations that still apply, of the competition law specific concepts and of the general dogmatic principles of contract and tort law, with references to other jurisdictions, especially to the developments and stand in the EU countries. (in Turkish) Credit units: 3 ECTS Credit units: 5.

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