ECON 444 Bargaining Theory and Experiments in Economics
Our objective is to introduce students (with potentially different majors ) the key concepts in bargaining, major approaches used in modelling/studying bargaining
(e.g.. cooperative and noncooperative game theory, experimental economics, behavioral economics, social psychology), interactions between these approaches,
special topics in bargaining, and current trends / future directions in bargaining research. We hope that, by the end of the course, students will have a decent
and up-to-date knowledge about the research on bargaining; and some students may even come up with good research questions. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the
topic, the course will adopt multiple methodologies. First, the (game) theoretical foundations will be presented. Experimental and behavioral methods will follow to
complement students' understanding. Occasionally, research on bargaining behavior in social psychology and management will also be covered. Since
practicing bargaining contributes to a better understanding of the topic, we will occasionally conduct in-class and field experiments.
Credit units: 3 ECTS Credit units: 5, Prerequisite:
ECON 204 or ECON 207.
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