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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025

EDEB 403 Theories of Literature

This course will provide a wide-ranging theoretical background for the practice of literary criticism. A general survey of western literary history, literary movements, genres, and key terms, will be followed by the examination of modern literary/critical theories, including formalist, structuralist, post-structuralist, Marxist, feminist, and psychoanalytical approaches. Readings (in Turkish) will include selections from Aristotle, Barthes, Benjamin, Derrida, Eagleton, Escarpit, Freud, Genette, Jameson, Lukacs, Ong, and Todorov among others. Students will write reading reports, make a presentation, and write a term paper on a selected topic. Credit units: 4 ECTS Credit units: 6.5.

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