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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025

MSC 425 Conducting II

The baton. Basic beating patterns with the baton. Practical conducting techniques using the baton in all meters with neutral, legato and light staccato variants. The expressive hand. Conducting a string orchestra. Selected repertoire to be conducted and sight played on the piano. Methods of preparatory study. Rehearsal planning. Advanced beating patterns with the baton, combining meters. Dealing with solo passages.] Improvement of manual skills. Flow of movement. Methods on eye contact. Balance. The rehearsal versus the performance. Conducting a classical orchestra. Known intricacies of some important orchestral passages. Fundamentals of performance psychology on stage. Vocal versus instrumental. The soloist and accompaniment. Further study of rehearsal planning. Analysis of conducting styles. Concert and program planning. Selected repertoire to be conducted and sight played on the piano. Credit units: 2 ECTS Credit units: 3.5, Prerequisite: MSC 326.

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