CS 458 Software Verification and Validation
Introduction and motivation for verification and validation; software testing overview, fundamentals of test process, general principles of testing, definitions and concepts, testing in software development life cycle, types of testing, levels of testing, test metrics; software inspection and code reviews, technical reviews, pair programming; specification-based testing, input-based partitioning, equivalence class partitioning, boundary value analysis, state transition test, decision table technique, used case testing; structural testing, graph coverage, logic coverage, syntax-based testing, statement coverage, branch coverage, condition coverage, path coverage, instrumentation and tool support; system, acceptance, and regression testing; model-based testing; run-time verification; model-checking, temporal logic in finite-state verification, computational tree logic; safety analysis and software reliability engineering.
Credit units: 3 ECTS Credit units: 5, Prerequisite:
CS 319.
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