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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025

EDU 490 Graduation Project: Research Methods and Applications

Basic concepts and principles of research methods; research process (recognizing the problem, determining the problem and sample, data collection and analysis, interpreting the results); general properties of data collection tools; analysis and evaluation of data; access to articles, theses and databases; research models and types; basic paradigms in scientific research; quantitative and qualitative research designs; sampling, data collection, data analysis; validity and reliability; reviewing, evaluating and presenting articles or thesis; Preparing a research report in accordance with research principles and ethics; action research in education. Independent research alone or as a small group to show their research skills under the supervision of a faculty member; designing a research study; developing a research plan; conducting a small-scale study; writing and presenting a final research report. Credit units: 3 ECTS Credit units: 5.

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