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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025

EDU 313 Teaching Mathematics

The purpose and basic principles of mathematics teaching; history of mathematics teaching (in the world and in Turkey); teaching and learning strategies used in teaching mathematics; scope, purpose and features of the primary school mathematics program; major learning theories and their relationships with mathematics learning; important skills in mathematics education, association, representations, communication, reasoning, problem solving (strategies, stages, problem types, etc.); using information technologies, development of the concept of number in the child (pre-counting developments, one-to-one mapping, cardinal value, combining, separating, comparing, equivalence, scarcity, abundance, etc.); place value, formation and structural properties of natural numbers; arithmetic operations, related topics in the primary school mathematics curriculum, achievements and examples of activities suitable for them. Credit units: 4 ECTS Credit units: 6.5.

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