EDU 214 Drama, Game and Physical Activities Education
Definition and meaning of the term drama; psycho-drama, creative drama, educational drama, socio-drama etc. Concepts; drama-play relationship; history of drama practices in education; The structure of drama in education and its application stages; drama environment and teacher qualifications; evaluation of drama; developing and implementing drama examples for the educational purposes of the field. Primary School Games and Physical Activities course (Grades 1-4) theoretical structure related to the curriculum (structure of the program, basic skills and elements of the program, achievements according to grades, teaching methods, classroom management, measurement and evaluation), primary school games and physical activities course applications related to learning outcomes (lesson plans, study plans, preparation and application of measurement tools), educational and musical games, examples of modern folk dances, definition and general characteristics of games, game teaching.
Credit units: 3 ECTS Credit units: 5.
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