EDU 102 Educational Foundation II
Philosophical foundations of education; basic philosophical movements (idealism, realism, naturalism, empiricism, rationalism, pragmatism, existentialism, analytical philosophy) and education; philosophical movements in education: Perennialism, essentialism, progressivism, existential education, critical/radical education; Educational views of some philosophers in the Islamic world and the West (Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, J. Dewey, Avicenna, Farabi, J. J. Rousseau, etc.); human nature, individual differences and education; education in terms of some political and economic ideologies; Movements of thought and education that were effective in the modernization process in Turkey; Philosophical foundations of the Turkish education system; Fields of philosophy, existence, knowledge, moral/values philosophy and education; The relationship between philosophy and psychology, the science of learning; psychological foundations of education; basic concepts of educational psychology; Developmental theories, developmental areas and developmental processes in educational psychology; individual differences in development; basic concepts about learning; factors affecting learning; learning theories within the framework of education-learning processes; motivation in the learning process; school and classroom as an education and learning environment; current developments in the teaching profession and teacher training; Educational trends in the twenty-first century.
Credit units: 3 ECTS Credit units: 5.
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