EDU 101 Educational Foundations I
Basic concepts related to education and training; purposes and functions of education; the relationship of education with other fields and sciences; legal, social, cultural, historical, political and economic foundations of education; basic concepts of sociology: Society, social structure, social phenomenon, social event etc.; pioneers of sociology (Ibn Khaldun, A. Comte, K. Marx, E. Durkheim, M. Weber etc.) and their views on education; education in terms of basic sociological theories (functionalism, structuralism, symbolic interactionism, conflict theory, critical theory, phenomenology and ethnomethodology); social processes (socialization, social stratification, social mobility, social change, etc.) and education; social institutions (family, religion, economy, politics) and education; The development of sociology and sociology of education in Türkiye (Ziya Gökalp, İsmail Hakkı Baltacıoğlu, Nurettin Topçu, Mümtaz Turhan et al.); culture and education; The social, cultural and moral structure of the school as a system.
Credit units: 3 ECTS Credit units: 5.
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