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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025


Erhan Tunalı, M.F.A., Acting Chair

Academic Staff

Turkey, in recent years, has witnessed an explosion in advertising and communication that has resulted in the emergence of an aesthetic awareness in both the public and the private domain. There is a growing demand for well-educated designers in all aspects of visual design and communication.

The Department of Graphic Design strives to promote visual literacy, and the production of visual language to communicate messages through illustration, typography, photography, advertising, computer graphics, packaging, and contemporary media. To this aim, students are encouraged to utilize and experiment with contemporary production technologies.

The educational philosophy of the Department of Graphic Design is to question well-worn graphic trends, emphasize critical and theoretical thinking, and contribute innovative and individual proposals to the field.


In the initial year, students encounter a well-rounded curriculum that introduces them to foundational studio art courses. The second year shifts towards more specialized studio classes, focusing on Visual Communications, Illustration, Typography, Photography, and Computer Graphics. The third year explores advanced topics to deepen students' design knowledge and foster an awareness of contemporary design issues. The curriculum is enriched throughout the third and fourth years with advanced theoretical courses such as Philosophy of Art and Analysis of Artwork. The fourth year is geared toward preparing students for professional practice. Starting in the fourth year, a blend of elective courses encourages students to refine their skills in specific areas of visual design. This process empowers students to discover their unique voice and approach to design, culminating in a senior project.



Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
ENG 101  English and Composition I  5    3  5
FA 103  Drawing I    6  3  5
FA 105  Foundation Studio I  2  8  6  8.5
GE 100  Orientation      1  2
GRA 131  Design Tools and Techniques    3  3  5
MATH 103  Thinking Mathematically I  3    3  5
TURK 101  Turkish I      2  3.5

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
ENG 102  English and Composition II  5    3  5
FA 104  Drawing II    6  3  5
FA 106  Foundation Studio II  2  8  6  8.5
GRA 132  Lettering and Introduction to Typography    3  3  5
TURK 102  Turkish II      2  3.5
  Science Core Elective      3  -


Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
GE 250  Collegiate Activities Program I      -  1
GRA 201  Graphic Design I  2  8  6  8.5
GRA 211  Typography I    3  3  5
GRA 218  Essentials of Photography    3  3  5
GRA 225  Introduction to Visual Techniques    3  3  5
HCIV 101  History of Civilization I  3    3  5
HIST 200  History of Turkey  3    4  6.5

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
FA 271  History of Art  3    3  5
GE 251  Collegiate Activities Program II      1  2
GRA 202  Graphic Design II  2  8  6  8.5
GRA 212  Typography II    3  3  5
GRA 317  Motion Design Studio    3  3  5
HCIV 102  History of Civilization II  3    3  5


Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
FA 361  Philosophy of Art I  3    3  5
GRA 290  Summer Practice I      -  6
GRA 301  Graphic Design III  2  8  6  8.5
GRA 341  History of Graphic Art  3    3  5
  Computational Skills Core Elective      3  -

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
GRA 302  Graphic Design IV  2  8  6  8.5
GRA 316  Interface Design Studio    3  3  5
  Humanities Core Elective      3  -
  Social Science Core Elective      3  -


Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
COMD 358  Professional Communication  3    3  5
FA 421  Analysis of Artwork  3    3  5
GRA 390  Summer Practice II      -  6
GRA 401  Graphic Design V  2  8  6  8.5
  Restricted Elective      3  -

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
GRA 402  Graphic Design VI  2  10  8  10
GRA 423  Professional Practice  3    3  5
  Elective      3  -
  Restricted Elective      3  -


Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
ADA 401  Nexus:Creative Explorations Lab    3  3  5
ADA 471  Culture, Politics and the Modern City  3    3  5
COMD 203  Media Studies I  3    3  5
COMD 207  History of Film and Media  3    3  5
COMD 210  Introduction to Screenwriting    3  3  5
COMD 354  Game Design and Research    3  3  5
COMD 361  Sound Design I    3  3  5
COMD 364  Video Production for Non-majors    3  3  5
COMD 365  Character Animation and Sequential Storytelling    3  3  5
COMD 437  Post-production Techniques    3  3  5
CS 155  Interactive Media Design and Development    3  3  5
FA 213  Introduction to Printmaking I    3  3  5
FA 214  Introduction to Printmaking II    3  3  5
FA 331  Technology of Art  3    3  5
FA 332  Art,Technology and Science  3    3  5
GE 401  Innovative Design and Entrepreneurship I  2  2  3  6.5
GE 402  Innovative Design and Entrepreneurship II  2  2  3  6.5
GRA 205  Rendering for Graphic Design I    3  3  5
GRA 207  Conceptual Design    3  3  5
GRA 215  Computer Graphics for Film and Television I    3  3  5
GRA 219  Advanced Photography    3  3  5
GRA 323  Logos, Symbols and Signs    3  3  5
GRA 325  Visual Literacy    3  3  5
GRA 335  Computational Design Methods    3  3  5
GRA 353  Creative Constructs:Conceptual 3D Design  3    3  5
GRA 421  Illustration I    3  3  5


Graphic design deals with the creation of effective solutions to visual communication problems. It explores how to use visual language in an innovative way to convey specific messages to a target audience. The products of graphic design include advertisements, flyers, posters, book and magazine covers, editorials, packaging, logos, typefaces, websites, illustrations, animated characters, film credits, and more. The Department of Graphic Design at Bilkent University provides students with a well-equipped and thorough education which will make them proficient in the use of visual language, able to think critically and creatively, and capable of contributing innovative and individual proposals to the field.

The Minor Program in Graphic Design aims to introduce the dynamics of visual design to Bilkent students from different backgrounds. The program aims to lay the foundations in all stages of visual design from research to concept formation, image making to execution, and to endow students with the necessary skills of visual communication. The principle idea behind the program is that, like a second language, competence in visual language will add an extra dimension to students' own field of practice and make them better equipped in a world where interdisciplinarity is a growing demand. The minor will also be of interest to those students intending to pursue a graduate degree in a design related field.

Students enrolled in any of the Bilkent faculties are eligible to apply, provided that they fulfill the application criteria set by the university. The minor program consists of six courses in total, of which five are mandatory. The mandatory courses are Drawing I, Graphic Design for Non-Majors, Typography I, Introduction to Visual Techniques I, and History of Graphic Art. Additionally, according to their fields of interest, students choose one additional course from the Graphic Design Minor Program electives list as shown below.

Prerequisite Courses: None



Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
FA 103  Drawing I    6  3  5
GRA 209  Graphic Design for Non-Majors    3  3  5
GRA 211  Typography I    3  3  5
GRA 225  Introduction to Visual Techniques    3  3  5
GRA 341  History of Graphic Art  3    3  5
  Elective      3  -


Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
GRA 210  Web Design    3  3  5
GRA 212  Typography II    3  3  5
GRA 323  Logos, Symbols and Signs    3  3  5
GRA 324  Photographic Practice    3  3  5
GRA 421  Illustration I    3  3  5

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