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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025


Tahsin Tolga Yayalar, Ph.D., Chair

Academic Staff

The Faculty's departments are today internationally renowned for their excellence in education, international artistic ensembles and activities. Since its founding the main objective has been to train artists, educators and researchers with high creative and interpretative skills in various fields of music.

In addition to the undergraduate and graduate programs, preparatory primary and high schools for music were also founded with the aim of starting music education at the earliest possible age. In order to expand music education to everyone, regardless of age and profession, programs such as the Early Music Training Program for children and "Part-time Music Education" have been ongoing since its founding. Graduate programs cover studies in "music performance and interpretation" in all majors, "conducting" and "music composition".

The Music Department offers Bachelor of Music-B.M. and Master of Arts-M.A. degrees in the following programs and fields;

Theory and Composition Option - B.M., M.A.

Instrument and Singing Option - B.M., M.A.
     Piano, Classical Guitar, Percussion,
     Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Double Bass,
     Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba.

Conducting Option - M.A.

Amongst numerous artistic activities of the faculty are the "30th Year Festival" in 2016, "Bilkent Violin Days" in 2015, "Bilkent Guitar Meeting" since 2006, "Bilkent Chamber Music Days" in 2017, "Bilkent Composition Academy" in 2017, "Bilkent New Music Days" since 2010. The students of the music department won many prizes in national and international competitions including "Sarasate", "Palmerès du 30e. Concours International de Musique et d'Art Sonore Electroacoustiques", "IBLA", "Antonio Janigro Violoncello Competition", "17th International Guitar Art Festival". In 2003, the Bilkent Youth Choir won a gold medal in the 21st International Preveze Choir Contest and achieved the runner-up position in the 33rd Florilège Vocal de Tours 2004 competition in France. The Bilkent Youth Symphony Orchestra has partnered with international ensembles such as World Youth Orchestra, the Greek-Turkish Youth Orchestra and has participated in festivals such as the Young Euro Classic and BeethovenFest in 2014.

Bilkent Symphony Orchestra

The Bilkent Symphony Orchestra was founded in September 1993. The orchestra is composed of experienced artists from various countries as well as Türkiye. With these characteristics the Bilkent Symphony Orchestra, is the first private, academic and international artistic group in Turkey.

With an average of 50 events each season and the participation of Turkish and foreign conductors, soloists and choirs, the orchestra aims to bring a wide range of activities to large audiences; to spread the appreciation of music at the national level through its tours; to undertake international activities and develop cooperation with institutions abroad organizing such events; and to form a bridge of artistic communication with other countries.

Along these objectives the orchestra has toured Italy, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Switzerland and Japan. The orchestra has recorded over 40 CDs with labels such as BMP, NAXOS and EMI.



Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
ENG 101  English and Composition I  5    3  5
GE 100  Orientation      1  2
MATH 103  Thinking Mathematically I  3    3  5
MSC 100  Freshman Concert      -  1
MSC 121  Fundamentals of Musicianship I    3  -  0.5
MSC 171  Theory I: Fundamentals  4    3  5
TURK 101  Turkish I      2  3.5
  Applied Music Elective      2  -
  Studio Lesson Elective      4  -
  Track Specific Elective      3  -

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
CS 121  Introduction to Computer Applications and Programming  2  2  3  5
ENG 102  English and Composition II  5    3  5
MSC 122  Fundamentals of Musicianship II    3  -  0.5
MSC 172  Theory II: Harmony and Voice Leading  4    3  5
TURK 102  Turkish II      2  3.5
  Applied Music Elective      2  -
  Studio Lesson Elective      4  -
  Track Specific Elective      3  -


Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
GE 250  Collegiate Activities Program I      -  1
HCIV 101  History of Civilization I  3    3  5
MSC 173  Origins of Western Music: From Antiquities to Baroque  4    3  5
MSC 200  Sophomore Concert      -  1
  Applied Music Elective      2  -
  Music Theory and Literature Elective      3  -
  Studio Lesson Elective      4  -
  Track Specific Elective      3  -

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
GE 251  Collegiate Activities Program II      1  2
HCIV 102  History of Civilization II  3    3  5
MSC 174  Opera and Instrumental Music in the Baroque Period  4    3  5
  Applied Music Elective      2  -
  Music Theory and Literature Elective      3  -
  Studio Lesson Elective      4  -
  Track Specific Elective      3  -


Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
COMD 358  Professional Communication  3    3  5
MSC 273  Music in Europe during the Age of the Enlightenment  4    3  5
MSC 300  Junior Concert      -  1
  Applied Music Elective      2  -
  Studio Lesson Elective      4  -
  Track Specific Elective      3  -

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
HIST 200  History of Turkey  3    4  6.5
MSC 274  19th Century Music and Modernity  4    3  5
  Applied Music Elective      2  -
  Studio Lesson Elective      4  -
  Track Specific Elective      3  -


Autumn Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
MSC 399  Summer Practice      -  5
  Applied Music Elective      2  -
  Graduation Project Elective      4  -
  Humanities Core Elective      3  -
  Restricted Elective      3  -
  Science Core Elective      3  -

Spring Semester

Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
  Applied Music Elective      2  -
  Graduation Project Elective      4  -
  Restricted Electives (2)      6  -
  Social Science Core Elective      3  -


The program is designed to offer a single track combining applied training and studies in music. Applied courses consist of individual studies on instrument performance and stage performance practices. These courses are carried out one on one with FMPA faculty and artists. Skills to be acquired and experience to be gained from applied courses are expected to be of influence on personal development of students in other areas as well. Potential of musical development of each student sets the standard for each course. Courses on music studies subjects are also offered to supplement the applied courses and to offer scholarly knowledge on the science of music. Applied courses are scheduled with the instructor to suit the availabilities of each student. Other courses are taken together with Music major students.

Prerequisite Courses: None



Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
MSC 171  Theory I: Fundamentals  4    3  5
  Applied Electives (2)      4  7
  Individual Music Courses (4)      8  14
  Theoretical Elective      3  5


The aim of the graduate program is to train professional artists in the areas of performance, creativity and research. Students have the opportunity to study and develop under the guidance of internationally renowned artists at the Faculty, and to display their development professionally through presentations, recitals, concerts as well as live and studio recordings. Music Performance and Interpretation majors are invited for selected events to perform with the Bilkent Symphony Orchestra and Composition majors works are widely presented by the Faculties professional ensembles.

These public appearances and recordings are organized by the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts to equip the student with advanced professional experience, thereby widening their horizons in the artistic world.

The graduate program offers the following degrees in various fields and majors. Courses and requirements are also listed below. (Also refer to the "Graduate Admissions" section in the introduction of this catalog for the general graduate admission requirements.)

Admission requirements common to programs include a Bachelor's degree (non-music majors accepted) with a standing of 2.50 CGPA for scholarship applicants. English Language Proficiency, Reference letters, Admission Interview, Admission Recital, Composition Portfolio Review, Music Theory and History Assessment.

Master of Arts in Music

The Master of Arts in Music program comprises a wide range of options in majors of creative and interpretational fields of musical art in three curriculum tracks:

1) Music Performance and Interpretation

The curriculum track for the Music Performance and Interpretation option comprises majors in Musical Instruments or Chamber Music. The goal of the thesis program in Music Performance and Interpretation is to enhance the musical performance of high level musicians holding an undergraduate degree to international standards. It aims to further their interpretative skills by advancing the general level they have achieved from previous studies in music theory, history and the relationship of these with other scientific disciplines. A candidate choosing the Master of Arts program aims to advance in a professional performance career as well as develop academic skills in writing and research.

The M.A. degree in Music Performance and Interpretation is offered in the following areas of specialization: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Percussion, Harp, Piano, Classical Guitar, Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Double-bass, Operatic Voice, Chamber Music.

2) Conducting

The conducting program aims to provide highly gifted and skilled candidates with practical and theoretical skills, tools and knowledge to progress in this most demanding and complex discipline to achieve the role of a conductor with opera and orchestra ensembles upon graduation. Students will receive individual instruction and training in conducting techniques as well as repertoire along with musicianship skill, theory and history courses and seminars as necessary. They will gain an all-round understanding and a high level of knowledge of the practical, technical, artistic, psychological and business issues involved with the profession, and will build experience with podium and performance possibilities to achieve technical proficiency and artistic integrity.

3) Composition

Master of Arts in composition at Bilkent offers a program designed to enable each student to contribute to the composition field in a productive, resourceful and personal way. The M.A. Program in Composition provides intensive training through independent lessons, lecture courses and weekly seminars in the student's field supported by studies in theoretical and historical subjects.

Degree Requirements

Standing : 3.00 CGP
Master's Thesis :

Applied Music Restricted Electives: All MSC 5XX level courses with at least 3 Bilkent credits.

Music Restricted Electives: All MSC 3XX or higher-level courses with 3 Bilkent credits.

Graduate Elective: All 5XX or higher-level courses with at least 3 Bilkent credits.



Code Course Name Hours Credit ECTS
Lec. Other
GE 500  Research Methods and Academic Publication Ethics      -  1
GE 510  Fundamentals of Social Research Design  3    3  5
GE 590  Academic Practices      -  12
MSC 500  Department Seminar      -  1
MSC 521  Master's Lecture Recital  2  4  3  5
MSC 541  Master's Final Concert    2  3  5
MSC 599  Master's Thesis      -  66
  Applied Music Restricted Electives (2)      6  -
  Graduate Elective      3  -
  Music Restricted Electives (2)      6  -

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