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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025

PSYC 340 Learning and Memory

A great deal of what we call cognition (knowing) is a direct result of our capacity to learn and remember. Scientists have long been interested to find out exactly how we learn, and what happens in our minds and brains when we do learn. Learning of course is not enough; we also need to remember what we have learned. How does memory work? What is the best way of remembering things we learn? How are memories processed before they become a part of our mental world? After remembering, we have to make use of those memories: we have to relate them with each other, see connections, and reach to conclusions. In other words, we have to think. Credit units: 3 ECTS Credit units: 5, Prerequisite: PSYC 200 and PSYC 220.

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