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Bilkent University

Online Academic Catalog

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 2024-2025

AMER 115 Methods and Texts I

This course gives students the critical methods necessary to interpret a variety of social texts. The primary mode of organization is around genre. A unit on poetry will teach students to identify poetic forms and to scan lines; a unit on fiction will address such issues as narrative voice, characterization, and symbolism; a unit on drama will examine the dimensions of staging and performance; a unit on film will teach students to approach texts in two and three dimensions; a unit on music will examine harmony, musical form, and performance; and a unit on nonfiction prose will examine the status of objectivity in source materials. Other major issues concern the distinction between literal and figurative language, terms for literary studies, and the linguistic diversity of the United States. Students will also learn how to develop a bibliography and how to cite sources using established styles. Credit units: 3 ECTS Credit units: 5.

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